Thursday, December 11, 2014

Time and memories...

As I have been thinking about my dad, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the time I have spent with him over the years, especially this last year. And for the many pictures that I took of him with my kids.  I can think of countless memories with him from just this year. I am truly grateful that I have those memories. My dad was so special and one of the greatest men I know.
Some of my recent vivid memories of him is him standing in the driveway of his house while I pull away to go home. He never went inside until I drove away. I can feel him hugging me and saying, "I love you sis." I just miss him so much. It is so hard imagining life without him.

 This was from a year and a half ago, but I am so grateful that I took the time to make my parents' 50th wedding anniversary special. 

Last December there was a snow storm coming in and Hubs was out of town so I hurried up to my parents house before the snow started and stayed there for a week. We had so much fun playing in the snow with grandma and grandpa. 

These two had such a sweet relationship. Mac loved anything his grandpa Dick loved. 

This was Thanksgiving last year. Exactly one year before he passed away. I am so grateful that I spent holidays with my parents. 

When we were at my parents house during the snow last december we helped them put up their christmas decorations. These guys loved trains and these two worked hard at putting the train set together under the tree. 

We always spent Christmas day with my parents. This was last Christmas.

In February I had the privilege of going up to my parents house for a couple of weeks and take my dad in for two cataract surgeries.  I am grateful I was there to help him when he needed me.

This was a scene I saw a lot. This boy sitting with grandpa in grandpas chair. 

My dad loved going to movies. He took us to see The Lego movie.

I think this was after they helped us move the rest of our stuff from our house after we sold it. Before they headed home we went on a little walk by the lake. 

One of our visits with my parents we went bowling then to frozen yogurt. 

Playing legos together. 

Mac always wanted a little project to do with grandpa. This was a little wooden car kit they were working on. Grandpa always had to get out his tools even for simple projects that just needed glue. 

My dad was an amazing artist. He could draw anything. Here he is drawing something that Mac asked him to. 

Another visit with my parents in April and we decided to make a trip to the coast. The weather was beautiful!

We had so much fun together on this trip. 

And of course ice cream. 

I think this was in July and we were meeting my parents for lunch. My kids saw grandpa and literally ran up to him and hugged him just like this. 

My brother, niece and nephew came for a quick visit this summer and we made another trip to the coast. My dad was slow because of issues with his feet and this is where you would always find Mac walking with grandpa. 

Another visit with my parents this last summer and we decided to go get some ice cream on a warm night. 

My dad isn't in the photo but while Hubs and I had a meeting in Portland my parents took my kids to Enchanted Forest. They had a blast!

A last minute decision in which I am so grateful for was to go camping with my parents the week before labor day. It was so much fun. On this trip I talked to my dad about camping up at Fort Stevens this next year, just like we used to when I was a teenager. It breaks my heart thinking we won't be doing that with him. 

On that camping trip my dad took my kids fishing. What a sweet memory I have of him that early morning. 

After camping I had one more day at my parent house before we had to head back home. We were going to go to Silver Falls but it was raining. Last minute we decided to go to Salem to a children's museum and then to lunch. Love these two. 

In September my parents decided to take the train down to our house. While they were here Mac had to find another project at Walmart to do with Grandpa. He found a catapult kit and they loved putting it together. 

While they were here for that visit I took my parents up to Crater Lake. My dad said he hadn't been there since he was a kid. He told me several times after going that it was such a great day and loved that trip. I am so grateful we have that memory with him. 

The reason my parents brought the train down to our house was so they could take the kids back to their house on the train. My parents had been wanting to do this for awhile. I am so happy my kids have this memory. 

A boy and his grandpa

This is the last picture I have of my dad. It was taken the middle of October when they came for a quick visit. I think it is one of my favorites. 

I know there are many more memories that I didn't get photos of. I am grateful for the relationship my kids had with him. My dad far exceeded the kind of grandpa I wanted for my kids. 

I can not express enough how grateful I am to have had the dad I had. 


Hanna said...

I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face and wishing I could give you a hug. What a beautiful tribute to have all of these pictures and the memories to go with them.

Jill said...

Bren, continuing prayers for you & your family during this hard time. I love the pictures you have showing how great your dad was & especially those with your kids. I love the stories you have shared on your blog. I hope you will make a book of fun pictures & stories, etc for your kids & your family to have as a treasure for years to come. I love my blog books I have done with Blurb & recommend them for making such a project.