Sunday, July 28, 2013

Happenings and cell phone pics for July...

Last week at church Oak was eating pretzels and coloring with crayons. My MIL got my attention and I look over and Oak's mouth is bright blue. She had eaten a crayon thinking it was a pretzel but didn't realize it until she had chewed it up pretty good. As I was cleaning her up she said, "That was really gross!" I got her all cleaned up except for what was stuck in her molars, which was alot. I tried scrubbing it out with a wet wipe but I just couldn't get it all. She ended up eating more pretzels which did the job. The whole thing was pretty hilarious and I could not stop laughing about it.

After spending almost two weeks with my SIL's and their cute swim suits at the lake house I decided I needed a new cute suit. I just happened to find one on the clearance rack at Walmart of all places for $18. So excited since all the cute, modest ones I had been looking at online were at least $50 for just the top.

Mac lost his second tooth while Hubs and I were on a date. This time it just came out with him wiggling it with his tongue.He was very excited for the tooth fairy to come again.

While I was gone to the lakehouse, Hubs sanded down our deck then I helped him restain it. It didn't turn out very good so we will probable redo it next summer. But it will work for this summer.

For the first time since we have had our garden we are getting cucumbers and green peppers and not just a few but a lot. We have never before been successful with those two crops. We have already picked zucchini and given some away and eaten some. Our tomatoes are getting there, but not even close to being ready yet. Excited about those!

We will spend the next four weeks in swim lessons everyday. On top of that we have taekwondo everyday. I am tired just thinking about it.

Our neighborhood is having a garage sale day and I am excited to participate, although thinking about all the work going into it is causing me a bit anxiety.

I am in charge of our Ward's Sacrament Meeting Primary Program and it is in just two months. More anxiety! Last year it turned out great and it was my first time ever doing one, so I am sure this year will be just as good.

July is the month that we were CHOSEN to be our kids' parents. It is a special month and always makes me reflect on what a miracle adoption is.

We went to Hubs's company family picnic. They roasted a pig and it was on a golf course so the kids had fun running around on it.

Hubs saw a pretty intricate spider web on our deck so he found a grass hopper and put it in the web to see if the spider would come out. Well we got quite the show! It came out and was biting it and trying to wrap it and finally it got it good and dragged it down into it's little funnel leading under the deck. It was pretty cool!

Cell phone pics! I can't wait to get a new phone next month and have better quality phone pics.

Patriotic wonder woman.

Snuggling before bed at the lakehouse. Love my racoon face from wearing my sunglasses in the sun everyday.

The unltimate super hero!

We met up with my dad one day for an early dinner. Mac was out of town and so was my mom and Hubs was still working, so it was just us three.

Made blueberry muffins from scratch with freshly picked blueberries. Heavenly!

Cousins and a lunch picnic indoors since it was way too hot to be outside.

Coloring on a beach ball at daddy's company picnic.

Mac lost his second tooth and his first adult tooth is coming in great!

Finally getting to fly our kites.

These two had  no naps and a lot of cake and ice cream and they were all giggles! 
It was hilarious!

Waiting for swim lessons to start.

Oak experienced her first piece of gum when her cute little friend at taekwondo gave her some. She thankfully did really well. 

Mac jumped off the diving board at the end of his first week of swim lessons. He loved it and could have done it over and over again. He is doing so great with lessons!

Oak had all the letters in her name down now and we just now need to get them in order. She is very good at the double E.

I asked her to draw a turtle and this is what she drew. Isn't it so cute??

Mac tried to run away when he got mad that he had to wait to watch a movie until we could get the tent set up so we could eat dinner and watch the movie inside it. Sometimes trying to make things fun backfires! Grrrr!

Cute kids on the tramp at grandma's 

I went to put the spray nozzle (that we hadn't used in a couple of weeks) on the hose so we could wash the car. I looked inside and saw a bunch of dead grass in it so I pulled it out and there was more, then I pulled that out and then all these dead green grass hoppers fell out of it. It was so weird. So a grasshopper must of layed a nest or something, not sure. Weird!

Our garden looks great! I love going out everyday and seeing if there is anything to pick. We have picked a few zucchini and a few cucumbers and a couple of peppers. And even two little cherry tomatoes. YUM! 

A flower chain for this pretty girl.

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