Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Things Mac ~ 20 months addition

His first bikeride

Mac has all of a sudden been talking in sentences with almost everything he says, crazy! A few that I can think of are:
~"Where'd it go?"
~"Where'd da book?"
~"I want a..." (he says that ALOT!)
~"I want to read it."
~"What are those?"
~"I want some more."
~"What are you doing?"
~"I want help."
~"It's HOT!"
~"Watch out." (He usually says this when he is playing with his cars and making them fall of things.)
~"Catch it" (when he is throwing a ball "to" you.)
~"I want all done."
~"No more monkeys jumping bed!" (from a book we read)
~"What's happening dude!" (from his letter factory video)
~" Oh no!" (Usually with both hands on his face)

He has a memory like no other: We went to a grocery store that we had not been to in a couple of weeks, the first thing out of his mouth when we got into the store was..."I want a book...I want a choo-choo...Thomas!" Over and over he kept asking me this, because the last time we were in that store (which was a couple of weeks before this) I had bought him a Thomas the Train book. Crazy kid!

He is still into all things that GO! He recognized and says: mail truck, fire truck, police car, pick-up, car, bike, tractor (to him that is all farm equipment), big truck (semi), and papa's truck (all white pick-ups), airplane, helicopter, motorcycle, ambulance, digger, jeep.

He refuses to stay in Nursery without us. I really thought he would have an easier transition than he is having. He gets pretty clingy, and sometimes will do ok during each activity, he just has a hard time transitioning from one activity to the next.

He loves to sing, and is actually a really good singer (thanks to his birthfamily). He is also starting to sing some of the words to these songs, and it is usually the last word of each phrase.
Songs he likes to sing are: Wheels on the bus, Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam, I am a Child of God, I love to see the Temple, Itsy bitsy spider, twinkle twinkle little star.

He has been counting "one, two, three!" alot lately and knows almost all of his letter sounds.

He loves to say "night-night!" to everything when we take him to put him down for his naps. His favorite things to say night-night to are: book, truck, car, airplane, outside, daddy (picture on the wall), baby (picture of him on the wall).

He follows simple commands really well (when he wants to anyway).

He is a really good climber and can get up and down almost anything pretty well.
He tries so hard to jump but can't get his feet off the ground and it is so stinking cute.
When he gets an owie, he makes a little whiny sound and holds his hand out for me to kiss. Even if he got an owie somewhere else on his body.
I loves to look at books, and has started to pretend to read if it is a book that we read to him alot. And will get the catchy phrases from that book right.

Every time he sees a white pick-up he thinks it belongs to his Grandpa Dick.

We went to the Temple last week and when we got there I was explaining to him that the Temple is Jesus' and Heavenly Father's house. Since then every time he sees a picture of a Temple he will tell me..."Emple(temple)...sheshus(Jesus)...ha fadder(Heavenly Father)"

He is really good at folding his arms when he know we are going to say prayer and always says Amen at the correct time.

He is really into possession, like what belongs to who. He will pick up our shoes or something else and say "Daddy's" or "Mama's". And he is usually correct.

He is so polite by always saying Please and Thank you. He mostly does it on his own with out us having to say anything.

He is starting to learn what sorry means. He ran into me when he was running into the house and told me "sorry" and ran off.

He will say "ABCDLMNOP" when you ask him to say his ABCs.

He is starting to call animals by there actual names now instead of by their sounds. He just started doing the best horse sound I have ever heard, it is so right on. He also can recognize alot of animals: zebra, elephant, monkey, snake, chicken, rooster, duck, lion, tiger and all the normal ones. He also distinguishes the between the sounds of a chicken, rooster, and duck. He says the cutest "cockle-doodle-doo".

He thinks he is pretty cute when he is always saying "a big, BIG guck!" ( guck is how he says truck).

We were picking up his trucks and animals the other day. And I told him that the trucks go in one box and the animals in the other. I gave him the box with the animals and I started picking up the cars thinking he didn't really understand my directions. Well I was wrong because he started picking up the animals and then brought a car over an put it in my box and then went back to picking up the animals.

We were driving in the car and I gave him a book that I had just found that day that he hadn't looked at in a very long time. It was a book of all animals. He looked through it for a minute then closed it and said to me. "Mama, no tractors!"..."Want tractor book!" I was cracking up. This kids brain is consumed with all things that GO!

He had to get his blood drawn and it was very sad. I had to hold him down with every once of energy I had. My arms were really sore the next day. But he did great once it was over. He kept saying "owie...all done!"

He LOVES to drink water and especially out of a cup. He doesn't really like juice, and he doesn't really drink much milk anymore.

He is a really really picky eater! He favorite things: oatmeal, bananas, pancakes, french toast, bread and jam, noodles, spagetti, cucumbers, gold fish crackers.

He loves to mimick sounds and silly things the we do. He will repeat everything!
big words he can say are: ambulance, bulldozer, Our last name, helicopter, animals


Emily said...

Sounds like you have a super smart boy around the house! And a cute one too!

The Wright Family said...

What an amazing kid! I can't believe how advanced his communication skills are. You are doing such a great job teaching him. Now I feel like Parker is behind. :(