Friday, August 28, 2009

last week...

This last week Hubs was in Texas at a conference for work. So Mac and I headed up to my parents house for a couple of days and then we went "camping". I don't have pictures yet because they are on my mom's camera. But Mac went on his first bike ride. We got a little seat that goes on the bike in between me and the handle bars, and we got him the cutest little helmet. He loved the bike ride and the trail we rode was so beautiful. He also experienced his first "camping" trip and it was not fun most of the time. Mac was a little off and just not acting like himself. Lots of temper tantrums, crying and not much sleep. And started to be happier just when it was time to go home.
Grandma C treated him with sorbet on a cone after he got an "owie".
Mac has had really bad diarrhea for weeks at a time. It is not fun. We have been trying to figure out what is wrong. So the doctor ordered a blood draw. You can imagine how that went I am sure. The lady said that it is hard to find blood vessels on red heads and she definitely showed us that is true. His little arm was bruised and my arms were sore the next day from holding him so tightly. He kept screaming "ALL DONE!" over and over. It was heartbreaking!

He loves watermelon!
Do you like his farmer's tan. Even though he is fare skinned, he has never gotten burnt.

We have been playing lots of cars, trucks and ambulances.
"Ambulance" is a new word that he can say perfectly. Hopefully I can get it on video. Oh and he is also talking in full sentences now.

He loves to push this stroller around. Or anything that has wheels and will move when he pushes it. But don't think that he is too girly. He won't allow a baby doll in it, only rocks or trucks. Silly boy!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

He is all boy! Such a cutie..