I love both of these pictures I just couldn't choose one for the top, but I think I am more fond of the serious face.
Every time Mac turns a month older, I just can hardly believe that I am his mom! I can hardly believe that I am a mom of a 9 month old, I just can't believe how big Mac has gotten! Mac is keeping me so busy! He has started to army crawl everywhere and he is FAST! He much rather play with things that are NOT toys and he loves to crawl under and through small places, so funny to watch. He knows his name and turns when you call for him. He can clap his hands and he can even sign "more" (which he claps his hands for). Today he was actually signing "all done" almost correctly. He loves anything banana, and especially loves my banana bread. He is just so funny and very passionate about everything whether he is happy or mad about it. He has learned how to dance all of a sudden, although it usually looks like he is just jerking his upper body. He is really good at feeding himself although he is not much for eating in general. He got a new crib and a new car seat, and is so much more comfortable in both. He is almost back to sleeping through the night. He wears pretty much all 12 month clothes. He is going to be a monkey for Halloween. And I have already started some ideas for his first birthday (if I don't start now, there will be no birthday party). And we couldn't love him more! We are so lucky to be his parents and to watch him learn and grow!

I think I like the pic right under your post the best. Boy is he a cutie! I can't believe how fast they grow up. It makes me sad to think my little one is growing up quickly as well.
Lots and Lot of Beautiful pics. You are an amazing Photographer and mom. Still waiting on the end of McCoy's story! :)
9 months already, time sure flies. He is so cute and so active, I bet you are having a blast trying to keep up with him, especially getting into things you don't want him in. Hopefully I will get to see him in person again some day soon, I had so much fun with him the last time.
He is so cute! They grow up way too fast! I miss having a baby in my house! They are so much no matter how much trouble they get into. Enjoy every minute of every day!
I seriously don't understand how he cuter with each month! I wish I could SQUEEZE him.
He is just impossibly cute! I love all of your pics!
Thanks for sharing all of his milestones with us - I can hardly wait, and yet I look back at Jeremy's newborn pictures and can't believe he was so teeny. I sort of miss that, too. Lol. They grow up too fast!
He's a little cutie pie!
I like the more serious one too...I am a sucker for serious baby shots tho...nice lighting on these.
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