Sunday, May 21, 2017

Week 20

This boy is reading all the time. But not very often is it a chapter book. So I love when on his own he picks one up.

We had a really great homeschool day. We did chores, had a devotional on my bed, tried learning the USA presidents in order by listening to a song on YouTube, we started a keyboard typing program online, Oakd did a math lesson and Mac did math on Khan academy, we learned some times tables, we went on a walk, we had quiet time, we did a fun experiment learning about surface tension, Oak practiced reading, I read aloud Swiss Family Robinson, Mac earned money lading up the burn pile with branches from trimming the trees, Oak helped dad install sprinklers in the front yard, we went to Home Depot to get a few things and we listened to and discussed a talk by Elder Holland for FHE on the way to and from Home Depot, and we ate ice cream before bed.  

Mac working hard, which is not something that comes naturally to him.

Mac earning money.

We went to the animal shelter and read to the dogs. Or at least tried to. The dogs barked so loudly that the kids had a hard time focusing on reading. But they loved talking to the dogs.

The kids fell in love with this Rottweiler. It was the only calm dog in the room. He was really sweet.

Just a cutie in her cowgirl hat.

The sprinklers came on when we were at the park and it was a hot day so the kids had fun running through them.

Saturday morning we decided to have breakfast on the deck. It was so amazing.

Lilacs from our bush. They smell amazing.

Mac working hard some more trying to earn some money.

Saturday family work.

We happened to see a classic car show and had to stop.

We met up with friends who were in town visiting. Mac loved spending time with his best buddy. We really miss them living here.

We got these tops for $2 at the farm store and the kids spent forever playing with them.

Sunday afternoon digging in the back yard.

Kids climbing the apple tree and the mom trying not to freak out when they do because of the giant lava rocks right below them

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