Friday, October 9, 2009

Mac Funnies

The first time he would actually eat corn on the cobb.
Oct 2009
Now that Mac is talking and comprehending more, I am going to start getting them down the best I can.

Sept 2: I drew Mac a "W" on his magna doodle and asked him what sound it made. He replied saying "Wil****er" (our last name).

Today: When I went and got him out of his crib after he woke up this morning he looked up at the ceiling and said "lights off!"

Today: He climbed under the desk where I was typing on the computer and I asked him what he was doing and he said "hiding Mama!"
Today: A couple of weeks ago we passed by a billboard for beer and Mac yelled "pop" when he saw it, I told him at that time that no it was not pop and told him that it was yucky and a no-no. So today as we were driving past the same billboard he pointed to it and said "Mama, no-no, yucky.
Yesterday: We were looking out the window and he said "Mama truck!" and said "where?" and he replied while pointing his finger sharply towards the window "right there!"

Sept: The longest sentence he has ever said, "Mama, what you doing with my blankie?"
Oct 10: Mac was watching Mama light a scented candle and he kept pointing to it and saying something that Mama couldn't quite understand. After him saying it a couple of times, Mama figured out that Mac was saying "It's a Happy Birthday!" And then he wanted to sing happy birthday, so we did.


Stephanie said...

He is so cute! Hope you are enjoying your new home!

Kim said...

I love the cute little things they say at that age. It's amazing how quickly they learn new words and phrases and how good their memory is! :o)