Well we decided to take a hike up Mt. Helena on Saturday because it was the only day of the holiday weekend that it was supposed to be nice weather, and the weather man was right. The hiking trail was very nice, just really steep. But we made it to the top and boy was it worth it. On one side you can see a national forest and the other side you see beautiful Helena. And it has been raining
a lot so it was really green. There are about 10 different trails that run up and down the
mountain,and I think that we will try to at least get a few others in this summer.

We are really enjoying Helena, although I am ready to explore more of Montana. I am feeling a little stir-crazy because we
haven't left the little town of Helena in two weeks. It has taken us more than two weeks to eat up our tank of gas. The only places we drive to are work, church and the grocery store, we live really close to downtown and we walk down there almost everyday. We are going to drive the 3 hours to Billings next weekend and go to the Temple and then do some shopping because there
isn't much of it in Helena. But all-in-all we really like it here.
Well here are some more pictures of our hike...

HOT husband!!


The Sleeping Giant
isn't the best picture but if you look closely at the mountain in the middle of the picture with the snow on it is the belly of the giant and to the right of that is his head and the outline of his nose and mouth, therefore everyone calls it "the sleeping giant".)

Taking one for the team, although Hubs thought that it was a publicity stunt.
(I did carry the pack for awhile.)

Part of the trail.

Off the
beatin' path.

This chipmunk was running in circles around us, he
didn't seem to be too scared of us. He probably thought we would leave him some food, no such luck though.

The National Forest behind us.

Helena behind us.
Brenley you are my inspiration! You don't seem at all bummed to have left Oregon...you're getting out there and exploring and making the best of it. I decided that I need to have a better attitude and get my butt out there and do some exploring of my own. You look happy and Helena is tons cooler now that you guys live there!
Love you!
hey spring! you guys look great~! and congrats on the move! wow. montana. i guess it'll be quite a while until i see you again. thank goodness for the internet!
love you!
What beautiful pictures! It's both because you're a great photographer AND the scenery is beautiful! Good for you to get out and explore. That's how you start to fit in so you guys are well on your way to becoming Helena locals!
So pretty!! I love Montana. We went camping in the Big Hole last summer and loved it. We can't wait to go back. You have to go camping there and go to the hot springs! Love ya!
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