Oh how I miss saying those words!
In Montana we have to pump our own gas. I have never done this before, and today I managed to pump my own gas without any help, and it didn't start out so good. I went to a gas station that I hadn't been to before, and at most gas stations they have really good instructions on what to do, but no such luck at this one. When I got to the part where it tells you to select the type of gas, I couldn't figure out what to push and no matter what I did it wouldn't give me any gas. It eventually got sick of me and spit out a receipt that had a $0.00 amount. And I left very humiliated, thankfully there was no one around! So I headed down the road to a gas station I had been to, where my dad had helped me a few weeks ago, I knew they had good directions. And my attempt was successful! Although the day was very warm and sunny, I couldn't help but think about having to do this in the middle of winter when it is 20-below-0 outside. That is something I am so not looking forward to.
(The picture is actually of Hubs's little sister Brooke pumping gas for the first time (I think?) when she was living in Utah going to BYU.)