Thursday, October 15, 2009

THANKFUL Thursday!

Oct 2009
What I am THANKFUL for this week...
* My boys and their patience with me.
*When Mac is in a silly mood and makes me laugh.
*The miracle of adoption.
*That I get to paint my very own walls.
*For the rain and the sunshine.
*For the scriptures and the answers we can get from them.
*That I get to sit on the floor and play cars with my sweet boy.
*For Mac's amazing and beautiful Birthmother.
*That Mac loves to snuggle on the couch with blankets.
*For Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.


Emily said...

Oh man I'm with you o the Reese's. Thank goodness for Fall...the seasonal ones taste way better than the regular ones.

Cute picture! I really can't believe how big he's getting. Almost 2!!!

Kristin and Seth said...

oh I love the idea of a thankful Thursday! So glad you can paint your own walls! I would love to see them when you are done! now I need to go get some reese's peanut butter cups.

rose said...

totally agree on everything. wall paint is a wonderful thing. sunshine is awesome- but gets boring when you have it every day. reeses are always good. and last and SO NOT least- so excited for you starting the adoption process again. that is a wonderful, hard, courageous road to walk on again and i am so grateful to have such a strong friend like you.

ohhhh and um, cute jammies. ;)