Sunday, October 25, 2009

I think it's time... take a break from all things blogging!
I have too many emotions running through me right now,
and blogging is making it even worse.
So until I can get my act together I will not be blogging, nor reading any blogs for a length of time.
I don't know how long, I will see where I am at after the holidays.
So to you all, I say see ya later...
for now!
If you want to keep in contact, email me or text me.
(I won't be facebooking either!)


Ashley said...

Hope all is okay. Let me know if I can do anything to help. You (and your McCoy updates) will be greatly missed.

Thank you for all of your love and support. :) You're wonderful.

Desiree said...

We all have to do this once in a while. Happy non-blog days!

Swanson Family said...

We will miss you here in the blogging world - its nice to keep up with you and your adorable family. Hopefully all is well. We'll be thinking of you!

Marc and Megan said...

I know this feeling. I hope things are going okay. Take the time you need... but, please come back soon. You will be missed in the blogging world.

rose said...

you will be missed-
but it's best to take care of yourself first!!!
love you!

The Kunz Family said...

I look forward to reading your posts when you return. Take care and enjoy your break.