Thursday, October 15, 2009

An anniversary that we don't celebrate...

Fall 2001"Perhaps strength doesn't reside in never being broken- but in the courage required to grow strong in the broken places."
8 years...8 YEARS!

eight years ago we began the fight.

the fight of getting our children here to us.

we didn't know at the time that we were going into the battle of infertility.

and little did we know that 8 years down the road we would still be fighting that fight.

with one battle down,

and hopefully at least a couple more to go.

never did we think we would be doing this for eight years.


but I can honestly say that we are more than happy to be in this fight.

I am proud to know my strength, that “I can do HARD things.”

there are people I know that get life's things handed to them on a silver platter,

that ask for life to be easy for them,

and for some reason Heavenly Father has answered them that prayer.

I know that if I asked in prayer for this to be easy,

I wouldn't get the same answer.

and I am ok with that.

it helps me get through it all knowing that Heavenly Father thinks that I am strong enough,

he knows that I can handle the battle.

he knows that I will get hurt, scarred and bruised, but that I won't back down.

there were/are moments when I felt like I couldn't show my face,

going through this was more than hard (it is still hard sometimes),

I didn't think I could do this.

but I am in the part of the battle where I can stand tall,

face forward,

and be as brave as I can be.

we fought the battle for Mac to get here.

he is here, he is ours...forever!

we love being his Mama and Daddy!

we are now battling to find and get our next little one here.

we called LDS Family Services this week to start the adoption process again.

but I am learning all over again,

just like I did when we started the whole process with Mac,

that I need to trust in the Lord and HIS plan,

and to have myself in a place where I am able to listen to the promptings so we don't miss our opportunity,

so we don't miss crossing paths with our baby's birthfamily.

we are excited to watch closely as Heavenly Father shows and unfolds His plan for us and our family!


The Callahan's said...

YAYYY!!! That is sooo exciting that you guys are also starting the adoption process again!!! It has changed a lot since we went through it before. I think getting all the paperwork done will go a lot faster since you can go at your own pace now! YYYAYYY!!!!

Just the THREE of us said...

well said, I cant wait to see your next miracle unfold!

Dan & Ashley said...

Yay for starting another adoption! I often wonder how I will feel when we begin int for the second time. Good luck with it all!

Jenni said...

Wow! You both are so strong. We are excited for your next adoption and will be praying for you. Some little one will be so blessed to be in your sweet family.

Trent and Carlie & Co. said...

Congrats! I hope you find your next little one soon!

FarrEver Family said...

Tears are coming, and I can't stop them. I wish I could give you a big hug. I wish I could see and your beautiful family. McCoy is So very lucky to have great parents...and somebody will be very lucky to have him as a big brother!!!
I LOVE you and admire you courage so very much!!!

Jen said...

So happy you are on your journey again! Good luck and we will be praying for you guys.

Amy said...

So excited for you! Here's to battling for eight years...we've gone through eight as well and will start our process over again in the spring.

Your words were so beautifully put - thanks for that.

Dan and Ang said...

I love this post! And I love your strength!! I hope one day I can maybe get close to where you are. I'm so excited for you! What a lucky, lucky birthfamily!!

rose said...

this really reminded me of some scriptures....
i will email them to you.