Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Life lately...

Before I get to Mac's birthday celebrations I wanted to just jot down what life is like right now so that I don't forget. It all may sound a bit scattered, but that is how my brain is right now with Christmas, getting ready to move and Hubs being gone and being a "single" parent.

Life has been good, a bit crazy, but good. Hubs moved and started his job a month ago. We have missed him a lot! A LOT! The longest time he has gone without coming home is two weeks. And it got a bit rough towards the end of that, but we made it. We are excited that next week, right after Christmas we will be moving down to be with him. We haven't sold our house, but Hubs is renting a two bedroom apt in a four-plex and I would rather live with him then without so we will make the sacrifice to live in a tiny apartment. 

This will be Mac's last week of school and I won't be putting him in school once we move. We have decided that the best thing right now for him and our family is to homeschool him. So I have been spending a lot of time preparing for that. Mac is really excited about it. Oak would really like to go to a Preschool, so I will find one for her as soon as our funds will allow. 

We finally got our tree this weekend and it is beautiful. I haven't put up any other decorations as I don't want more to have to pack away once Christmas is over. We have however been trying to invite the Christmas spirit with service, books and movies. 

One of the service projects we did was get stuff to make "blessing bags". They are just ziplock bags filled with some non perishable food and toiletries to hand out to those who are standing on the corners asking for help. My kids are always wanting to give them something and I never seem to have anything on hand so now we have these bags in our van to give out when needed. Unfortunately we haven't found a single opportunity to hand one out. 

It has been hard to get anything Christmas related done. I haven't done any Christmas shopping at all. We plan on making at least one gift for each of our children. Hubs is going to work on one and I am just not quite sure about what I am going to do for the other. I try to keep going to the store very minimal since my kids can only handle so much. And on top of that getting the house "show" ready every time we leave the house is wearing on my. So sometimes I just choose not to go anywhere.

We haven't had any action on the house in a couple of weeks. I know everything will all work out and I am trying to remind myself of that daily and not dwell on what will happen if it takes a long time to sell or if we can't get what we need out of it, price wise. And like I mentioned I am so tired of having to get the house "show" ready every time I leave the house for any amount of time. It doesn't take long for the house to go from spotless to lived in. 

Everytime I think about moving away from our neighbors I want to cry. We just never will be as lucky as we have been to live on the street we do now. I know it is rare thing and I am so grateful for it.

The kids have been pretty good. I have learned a lot about myself as a mom, while having to parent on my own. It has been a good growing experience. But I will be okay if I never have to do this again. They miss their daddy yet they don't want to talk to him much or Face Time him much. By the way, Face Time has made all the difference in being away from Hubs. It has helped so much to be able to see and talk to him. I love it! The kids also are pretty attached to me since daddy has been gone. And when I say that I mean if I sit down for any amount of time they both end up sitting on my lap and will stay until I am ready to get up. 

I was released from my calling this last Sunday and my mother-in-law has now been called to it. I got to go to Relief Society for the first time in a long time. I loved it! I will enjoy it while I can. We have one Sunday left in our Ward here and we will miss the friends we have made. Hubs' records have already been transferred to our new ward. 

I have been super forgetful, flaky, and just not really on the ball with most of life. 
But I am for sure truly blessed and excited for our adventure.

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