Sunday, September 29, 2013

September in photos...

So as I was going to post this I realized that this is only my third post this month. I don't think I have EVER only posted three times in a month. I am somewhat blaming school starting and nothing super exciting happening and also the fact that I got an iPhone and I take most of my pics with that. Which is a VERY bad habit I don't want to get into to. 

But without further adieu...

Go Beavs!

I love when Oak gets all giggly and she makes this cute face alot when she is.

The kids were super duper crazy grumpy so we went on a walk in the rain. 

Playing at the mall waiting for daddy to get done with his eye doctor appt.

We went to our local HS football game. The kids actually loved it for the first time ever.

Mac drew this to precious picture for his little sister. A princess and her carriage.

Hubs and I were able to make a quick trip to the Temple.

Trying on our friends fireman gear.

Mac's first time on the school bus.

Oak still has to suck her thumb with her bear.

Mac go to try on sparring gear for the first time and he loved it.

When Oak had her sore throat and I had to take her to the dreaded night clinic, the awesome Doctor lady gave her a popsicle. She was in heaven.

The bubble beard!

And pancake mouth!

Sparky the dog at the safety fair.

Swinging on Uncle Spen's swing.

Mac and Daddy finish the first Harry Potter book. Daddy pretty much rocks at the accents!

When I was up helping my mom while my dad was in the hospital, Hubs became Mr. Mom.

And I was so glad to see this cutie when I got home. But she sure made me pay for quickly leaving her and then not coming home for two days.

We had lots of help from neighbors and I got this text from one of them when she was watching Oak. So cute!

One night I was making pizza and Oak wanted to help.

Then I let her play in the flour...

And then she made quite the mess.

Seeing Aunt Judie while she was visiting Grandpa in the hospital.

Oak getting fed ice cream from her friend at a church activity. So cute!

With Grandma right before church.

I let Oak paint my toe nails for the first time ever. She did great with the first first then she got to the big toe on my second foot and decided to paint my entire toe.

Letting them dry!

Mac's trying on his Halloween costume. The face is priceless!

Oak wanted to go and jump in puddles and she insisted on the little lake that forms at the end of our street.
My kids can't get just a little wet, they have to go swimming.

Daddy was out of town for a couple of days and Oak was my little buddy never leaving my side and asking a million and one questions. 

How can you NOT try these on?!

Oak had the grumps one morning so we were being silly trying to chase them away.

Ack, fruit flies!

And Mac has become quite the little Beaver fan lately. This is his picture of the Beavers playing the Ducks and the Beavers winning.

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